Santa Clarita Dentist

Amalgam RemovalSanta Clarita, CA

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    Amalgam Filling

    An amalgam filling - those silver fillings you can see when you smile - is a mixture of mercury, silver, copper, tin and zinc used to fill cavities in teeth with a lifetime of about 10 years. At one point amalgam fillings were the only option available if you needed a filling. However, the use of dental amalgam has been declining over the years with materials such as resin-based composite becoming more widely used.

    Treatment Options for Amalgam Removal

    The best ‘filling material’ is natural tooth. Mercury amalgam fillings can be replaced with a number of more biocompatible materials.

    Biocompatible materials minimise or eliminate any interference with normal bodily functions. The most commonly used alternatives are composite resin or ceramic restorations. Since amalgam fillings contain heavy metals, some people may have an allergy or sensitivity to the components (i.e. mercury, zinc, copper, tin, silver) of an amalgam filling. Signs of an allergic reaction will typically include mouth ulcers, skin rash, and itching. Replacing amalgam fillings with resin composite ones can help mitigate the risk of an allergic reaction.

    Our preference is ceramic inlays or onlays because they are as tooth-like a restoration as we are able to do. Ceramic restorations are excellent at preserving and reinforcing natural tooth structure, it is non-metallic and long lasting.

    Dental amalgam often referred to as ‘silver fillings’ contains:

    • 50% mercury
    • 20-35% silver
    • 6-15% copper
    • 8-15% tin
    • Occasionally small amounts of zinc

    The United Nations Environment Programme has established the Minamata Convention on Mercury, which is an international treaty that aims “to protect human health and the environment from anthropogenic emissions and releases of mercury and mercury compounds”.

    When the fillings are removed it is now legislated that the scrap or old fillings need to be disposed of as toxic waste.

    Improve aesthetics

    When you smile or laugh, the amalgam fillings are noticeable and stand out against naturally white teeth. This can make some people self conscious about their smile. Since resin composite fillings are tooth colored, they are virtually invisible. Thus, switching to resin composite fillings can help make your smile more uniform and not call attention to the areas where you received treatment.

    Strengthen your teeth

    An amalgam filling is packed into your tooth, much like a pothole, and doesn't bond to the tooth. A composite filling, on the other hand, bonds to the tooth, making it stronger and less likely to leak. A leaky filling is not visible, but can cause bacteria to enter your tooth and cause decay. This eventually may require a more invasive and expensive procedure like a crown placement, instead of a filling. Thus, changing your amalgam fillings to resin composite ones can help prevent tooth erosion and make your teeth stronger and resistant to leakage.

    Contact Us

    White Crown Dental is located at 23005 Soledad Canyon Rd Santa Clarita, CA 91350.

    (661) 425-0008